We receive requests from users and intending users on how this platform works for everyone. Without much ado, let jump to the process:
1. If you are NEW to this platform, click on Register button to take you to where you can join Saraduro Library Community.
2. After successful registration, you will notice that you cannot log in to the system. This is so because free users will need to subscribe to a plan to get them activated.
3. Click on Subscription Plan page and select the plan which you will like to subscribe to. Then you can click on Purchase Now Button on any your desired subscription plan.
For example: Say, You desire Gold...you will click on the Purchase Now button. Then follow through the process by clicking Continue to Payment. A form will pop up asking for the important info to enable the system confirm before moving you to the next page. Once you click on Proceed button, you will see Pay with Card / Checkout with PayPal button. click on this and you will be taken to a secured page on PayPal to use your debit/credit card.
4. Upon successful payment, you will need to click on Continue to Merchant webpage. At this stage, you will be redirected to Saraduro Library for payment confirmation with reference code. In seconds, your account is automatically activated for the plan you had chosen.
NOTE: Ensure you screenshot or copy out the reference code out for futuristic purposes.
For those that are experiencing payment error as a result of their bank cards, you can follow the below steps:
**** To get activated, pay into the account details on the subscription plan page in the following manner:
Account no: 082-364-6818
If you are paying via bank transfer or teller, ensure that the DEPOSITOR's transfer instruction reflects your email as registered on our site and package you are subscribing to
For example:
youremail@mail.com * GOLD * 08030000000
where youremail@mail.com represents EMAIL; GOLD represents PLAN; 0803000000 represents 080PHONE
Once your transferred is successful, email the copy of your transfer to info@saradurolibrary.com with email subject I just Paid. Pls, Activate My Subscription attaching the screenshot of the transaction for the subscription.
If there be any other question, complaint or support, do not hesitate to write to us at info@saradurolibrary.com
Best Regards,
The Management